বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ভর্তি প্রস্তুতি (ইংরেজি) নভেম্বর ২০২০

Idioms and Pharases:

A dime a Dozen = (Anything that is common and easy to get).
A blessing in disguise = (Something good that is not recognized at first.)
Baker’s dozen = (Thirteen.)
Beat a Dead Horse = (To force an issue that has already ended.)
Cock and bull story = (An unbelievable tale.)
Chow down = (To eat.)
Cross your fingers = (To hope that somerhing happens the way you want it to.)
Come Hell or High water = (Any difficult situation or obstacle.)
Dry run = (Rehearsal.)
Drink like a Fish= (To drink very heavily.)
Doozy = (Something Outstanding.)
Eagle eye = (An eye with sharp visual power.)
Eat and run = (To eat a meal quickly and then leave.)
Each and every= (Every).
Field day = (An enjoyable day or circumstance.)
Finger lickin good = (A very taste food or meal.)
Give him the slip = (To get away from. To escape.)
Go for broke = (To gamble everything you have.)
He lost his head = (Angry and overcome by emotions.)
Keep an eye on him = (You should carefully watch him.)

Right form of Verb:

Had i been a king i ___ help the poor.
ANS: would.

He talks as if he ____ everything.
ANS: Knew.

I am looking forward __ you.
ANS: to seeing.

I wish i ___ a king.
ANS: were.

They treated me ___ i were a child.
ANS: as if.

Almost everyone fails ___ his driver’s test on the fitst try.
ANS: to pass.

Having ___ supper, i shall go to bed.
ANS:  Finished.

I hate ___ at holidays.
ANS: Working.

He intends ___ in the country for two months.
ANS: stay.

It is time ___ the work.
ANS: to do.

Mr. rehman behaves as if he ___ everything.
ANS: knew.

I made her ___
ANS: cry.

I am not used to __ at this time of the day.
ANS: walking.

It is high time we ____ the place.
ANS:  Left.

We often ____ a victim of circumstances.
ANS: fall.

He advised me ___ smoking.
ANS: to give up.

The accused was ___ for murder.
ANS: hanged.

We waited until the plane ___
ANS: took off.

He gave up ___ football when he got married.
ANS:  playing.

Water ___ down wards.
ANS:  rolls.

____ teen and eleven will be good time for us.
ANS: between.

Parts of speech:

The word ‘Meritorious’ is
ANS: Adjective.

What is the verb of ‘Ability’ ?
ANS:  enable.

Verb form of the word ‘False’ is ___
ANS: Falsify.

Accommodation is a __ ?
ANS: Noun.

This is the go of the world . Here ”go” is a __
ANS: Noun.

Noun of the word ”see” is___
ANS: sight.

Adjective form of ”people” is ___
ANS: populous.

The noun of the word ”vary” is___
ANS:  Various.

Homely শব্দটি কোন parts of speech?
ANS: Adjective.

The word ”wonderful” is __
ANS: Adjective.

I water the plants . The word ”water” is used as ___
ANS: verb.

He runs fast. Here ”fast” is ___
ANS:  an adverb.

What is the noun of the verb ”depart” ?
ANS: Departure.

Song শব্দটি কোন Parts of speech?
ANS: Noun.

What is the Noun of ”glorify” ?
ANS: glory.

Verb of the word ”danger” is ___
ANS: endanger.

What is the verb form of ”habit” ?
ANS: habituate.

The word ”reproduction” is ___
ANS: Noun.

What kind of noun is ”cattle” ?
ANS: Collective.

Conjunction কোনটি?
ANS: ‍ and.

The verb of the word ”symbol” is ___
ANS: Symbolize.

The word ”polific” is ___
ANS: an adjective.

The adjective of the word ”mountain” is ___
ANS: mountainous.


He was born ___ july.
ANS: in.

He has no connection __ this affair.
ANS:  to.

Do not leave ___ i come.
ANS: untill. 

I have no bais ___ late marriage.
ANS: against.

Water is changed ___ vapor.
ANS: into.

I shall be there ___ 7 p.m
ANS: into.

He was angry ___ me.
ANS: with.

He is blind ___ his son’s fault.
ANS: to.

The man died ____ overeating.
ANS: from.

His offer is acceptable ___ us.
ANS: to.

The man died __ cholera.
ANS: of.

I prefer tea __ coffee.
ANS: to.

A friend ____ need is a friend indeed.
ANS: in.

We should not depend ___ others.
ANS: on.

He faced ___ difficulties.
ANS: with.

The principal had an injury __ the case.
ANS: into.

They caught a train ___ london.
ANS: to.

The girl prides herself ___ her beauty.
ANS: on.

I acceded __ his request.
ANS: to.

He is innocent ___ the charge.
ANS: of.

My birthday is ___ December.
ANS: in.

Bangladesh abounds ___ rivers.
ANS: with.

You must atone ___ your sin.
ANS: for.

Everybody longs ____ happiness
ANS: for.

She has no taste ___ music.
ANS: for.

I caught sight ___ her.
ANS: of.

Do not lament ___ the past.
ANS: over.

She has cut ___ her hair.
ANS: off.

He learnt the poem  __ heart.
ANS: by.

He is honest ___ leads a very simple life.
ANS: and.

Translation and Proverbs:

তেলা মাথায় তেল দেয়া
ANS: To carry coal to new castle.

অধিক সন্নাসীতে গাজন নষ্ট
ANS:  As many cooks spoil the broth.

যেমন কর্ম , তেমন ফল ।
ANS:  As you sow so you reap.

উলুবনে মুক্তা ছড়িও না ।
ANS:  Do not cast pearls before swine.

শেষ ভালো যার সব ভালো তার
ANS:  ‍All’s well that ends well.

ডাক্তার আসার পূর্বে রোগী মারা গেল
ANS:  The patient had died before the doctor came.

It is a long story এর Translation
ANS:  সে অনেক কথা ।

মানুষ মাএই ভূল করে … ইংরেজি অনুবাদ ..
ANS: To err is human.

মেয়েটি  হাসতে হাসতে ঘরে ঢুকল … ইংরেজি অনুবাদ
ANS:  The girl entered the room laughing.

He left no stone unturned … বাংলা অনুবাদ
ANS:  সে চেষ্টার কোন ত্রুটি করলো না ।

কুকুরের পেটে ঘি সয়না ..
ANS: Habit is the second nature.

জয়কালে ক্ষয় নাই ..
ANS: Nothing suceeds like success.

Synonym And Antonym:

The antonym of ” Pacific” is ..
ANS: Agitated.

A synonym for ”hindrance” is …
ANS:  Barrier.

The word ”Madrigal ” Synonym is …
ANS: Pastoral Song.

The word ”Expire” antonym is …
ANS: Come to life.

The following of the antonym is ”abandon” is…
ANS: drop.

The synonym of ”conjugal” is…
ANS: Bridal.

Synonym of ”intrepid” is…
ANS:  fearless.

Synonym of ”subterfuge” is…
ANS: deception.

Antonym of ”handsome” is…
ANS: ugly.

Synonym of ”burtel” is…
ANS: cruel.

Synonym of ”Belligerent” is…
ANS:  hostile.

Antonym of ”Spurious” is….
ANS: Genuine.

Antonym of ”booming” is…
ANS: Shrinking.

Synonym of ”Slim” is…
ANS: Slender.

Synonym of ”Competent” is…
ANS: Capable.

Antonym of ”debacle” is…
ANS: Success.

Antonym of ”blunt” is…
ANS: Timid.

Synonym of ”yoke” is…
ANS: unite.

Synonym of ”mandatory” is…
ANS: obligatory.

Synonym of ”Dangerous” is..
ANS: risky.

Antonym of ”hamper” is…
ANS: facilitate.

Antonym of ”Debilitate” is…
ANS:  weaken.

Antonym of ”diversity” is….
ANS: similarity.

Synonym of ”prohibit” is…

Synonym of ”Unanimity” is…
ANS: complete agreement.

Antonym of ”metivulous” is…
ANS: Careless.

Antonym of ”Queer” is…
ANS: Orderly.
















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