বাংলাদেশ বনশিল্প উন্নয়ন কর্পোরেশন সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক প্রশ্নপত্র

When I was a student,I used swim every morning-
If you don't know the meaning of a word,look up in the dictionary.
I usually breakfast at 6.30 in the morning.
Paris is beautiful city to visit
The car was'nt a success ,so they decided to work a new model.
এক কথায় প্রকাশ করুন;যে শুনেই মনে রাখতে পারে।
বাগধারার অর্থ নির্ণয় করুন:বাঘের চোখ।
সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ করুুন :তদবধি।
কোনটি প্রাদি সমাস?
”মোদের গরব মোদের আশা,আ মরি বাংলা ভাষা”কবিতাংশটির রচয়িতা কে?
নিচের কোন উপসর্গটি সামীপ্য অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে?
নিচের কোনটি একটি অব্যয় পদ?
বাংলা গীতকবিতায় “ভোরের পাখি”কে?
কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের প্রথম উপন্যাস কোনটি?
”হেমাঙ্গিনী ও কাদম্বিনী”কোন বিখ্যাত গল্পের দুই চরিত্র?
Water has been poured into an empty retangular tanl at the rate of 5 cubic feet per minute for 6 minutes,The leangth of the tank in 4 feet and the width is one half of the length,How deep is the water in the tank?
If x,y,z are chosen from the three members 3,1/2 and 2 ,what is the largest possible value of the expression(x/y)z2?
If the side of a square increases by 40% ,than the area of the square increases by-
Towns A and C are connected by a straight highway which is 60 miles long .The straight line distance between town A and town B is 50 miles,and the straight line distance from town B is C is 50 miles .How many miles is it from town B to the point on the highway connecting towns A and C which is closest to town B?
In a group of people solicited by a charity 30% contributed tk 40,45% contributed tk 20 and the rest contributed tk 2 If the charity received a total of tk 300 from the people who contributed tk 2 how much was contributed by entire group?
A car traveled 75% of the way form toen A to toen B at an average speed of 50mph.The car travels mat an average speed of S mph for the remaining part of the trip.The average speed for the entire trip was 40mph.What is the value of S,in mph?
It takes Eric 20 minutes to inspect a car,John only needs 18 minutes to inspect a car .If they both start inspecting care at 8.00 am,what is the first time they will finish inspecting a car at the same time?
Which of the following inequalities is the sollution to the inequallity 7x-5>2x+18?
Abu sold his cricket bat for tk 160 and his ball for tk 96.He made a profit of 20% on his ball and took a 10% loss on his cricket up with a-
Jony is 20 years older than Rony .In 10 years Rony's age will be half taht of jony's What is rony's age?
A total of tk 1200 is deposited in two saving accounts for one year ,part at 5% and the reminder at 7% interest rate.If tk 72 was earned in interest ,how much was deposited at 5%?
which of the following integers has the most divisors?
In Dhaka city 90% of the population own a car,15% own a motorcycle ,and everybody owns,one or the other or both.What is the percentange of motorcycle owners who own cars?
DHL charges tk 2 for each pound for the first 20 pounds of package weight and tk 1.5 for each pound or fraction of a pound over 20 pounds .How much will it charge to carry a package which weights 47/2 pounds?
Rahim 's salary is 150% of karim's salary .Karim's salary is 80% of shahin's salary .What is the ratio of Shahin salary to Rahim's salary?
What is the rate of Value added Tax (VAT)applicable in Bangladesh?
During our Liberation War of 1971,how many sector commanders were in charge of the different sectors in different phases?
Which is the highest sources of Government Revenue in Bangladesh in the fiscal year 2012-2013?
What is micronesia ?
Mechanical devices in the computer are called-
Which of the following state was bought by USA from russia?
Which river divides Bangladesh and Myanmar?
Who is the first crickete to score a double century in an innings in one day cricket?
Which one is a storage device in computers?
Which is the largest unit of storage in computers?
Which software is more useful in preparing a report with statistical and acccounting analysis?
Which of the following is not an internet search engine?
Where is the headquaters of the International Committe of the Red Cross Located?
Whcih of the following country is knownn as the "Land of White elephant?
Who is the President of The National Assembly of Bangladesh?
In terms of land area,which of the following is the largest island in Bangladesh?
How many districks of Bangladesh have boarders with India?
Who was the last independent Sultan of Bengal?
Who is the first female recipient of Nobel Prize?
Which country is known as birth place of democracy?
With which country Bangladesh has no diplomatic relationship?
How long is Mohakhali Flyover in Dhaka?
At first ,who translated our national anthem into English?
How many districks Constitute Dhaka division?
Which Government agency is responsible for collecting taxes in Bangladesh?
In which place of Bangladesh the highest Shahid Miner is situated?
Which country first used national flag?
Which of the following countries does not have access to sea?
The world's largest river delta found Bangladesh is the delta of which river?
What is the real colour of the sun?


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