Government highs school admission online application form at Dhaka Mahanagar Govt school Admission 2020 apply online. Payments SMS system info. Application fee send by Teletalk pre-paid mobile. Let’s check Teletalk fee sending SMS system via www gsa teletalk com bd. Online application SMS and Web-based Govt School admission 2020. Chittagong division Govt School admission notice, Khulna Govt school, Rajshahi Govt School admission result 2020. Comilla Govt school, Rangpur Govt school admission. Barisal Govt school admission result. Sylhet Govt school admission.
Any one can the application form by visiting the website
As per the instructions in the online application form, the candidate will fill in all his / her information. Candidates who apply in different quotas must specify the quota; otherwise, it will not be possible to consider for the seats of Quota.
In the online application, the candidate will have to scan his / her color image (length 300 X width 300 pixels) and upload it to the designated location in JPEG format. Get GSA admit card download.
After completing the application form as per the instructions, Candidates will be able to see the preview of the application form along with the pictures
After submitting the application form correctly, the candidate will get the Applicant’s copy along with a User ID.
The candidate should save a print or download copy of the application form filled in online.
Since the information provided in the online application form will be used in all subsequent activities, the candidate himself should be 100 percent sure of the accuracy of all information before sending the application.
Pay Application Fee using Teletalk Prepaid Mobile.
1st SMS: GSA (Space) User ID and Send it to 16222
You, Will, Get a Reply SMS Including Pin Number and Next Instruction.
Now Send 2nd SMS For Confirm
2nd SMS: GSA (Space) YES (Space) PIN and Send to 16222. That’s It. Application Form Fill Up Complete.
GSA online application Govt School admission 2020 official website powered by Teletalk. In this site, if you are not seeing the application form the please click here for alternative application form of GSA admission 2020.